The tragedy caused by the actions of the Russian military on the fertile lands of Ukraine has caused a wave of empathy and support among everyone who has a heart. In response to this crisis, thousands of people rushed to help, each in their own way: some collected and sent humanitarian aid, others provided financial support.

We, Edelweiss, could not stay away from this disaster. We organized an expedition to the Kherson region, where our volunteers performed an incredibly important mission. They evacuated people from the flooded areas, risking their own lives, and delivered food and medicine to the affected areas. In addition, our volunteers were responsible for sorting and delivering humanitarian aid in Kherson and the surrounding communities.

Thanks to our efforts, we were able to purchase 12 solar panels, a charging station, three generators, and two boat engines. We received and distributed almost 8 tons of humanitarian aid that was collected from all over Ukraine.

Our work would not be possible without the support of our partners: Eurotrade Group, Women's Federation for World Peace, ATO Charitable Foundation, Nova Poshta Humanitarian. Special thanks to FriendsAgainstTheWar for your tireless support and cooperation. In these difficult times, when our country and its people are facing enormous challenges, your help is extremely valuable.

We believe that our joint efforts and dedication to helping the victims will open up new horizons of hope and recovery for all those affected by this terrible disaster. Each of your contributions, whether it is financial aid or assistance in spreading the word, is an important step towards our common victory. We are stronger together! 

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