About Us

We are a group of friends, and from the very first day of the war in Ukraine, we united for help because each of us has unique abilities and resources. Ultimately, our project resulted in this webpage, new acquaintances, and support worldwide.

First, let's get acquainted:


засновник byKyivwood – невеликого підприємства лазерної різки у Києві. З початку війни адаптував своє виробництво для виготовлення спорядження та маскувальних сіток на волонтерских засадах., Ррозробив цілу лінійку винагород для донорівдонаторів здля багатьох фондів.


Спорядження для військових

Маскувальні сітки

Бокси з пам’ятними монетами

Бокси з уламками техніки якою напали на Укарїну


Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Lana as an illustrator has opened her aid front and collected donations for photo illustrations, for example, from a photo of a loved one or a pet. 

Lana is Kostya's wife.


Project portrait by photo for donation 

Pins with author's illustrations

Covers for collections for the military

Pictures for a charity event in Crooked Lane


Dmytro (Dima or Het for close ones) - I am Ukrainian and have lived in Krakow for eight years. I relocated to work in Cisco Systems, met my fiancée, and settled in Poland. My family and friends are currently in Ukraine. Since the first day of the Russian invasion, I've been helping as much as possible, supporting and running different projects and initiatives, one of which ended up in this fellowship.


Walkie-talkies supply for Territorial Defense 

Medical Supply for Territorial Defense 

Cordura cloth and accessories supply 

Personal protection Supply for Territorial Defense Technical Supply for Territorial Defence


Anton - volunteer and combat medic of Kyiv's 112th brigade of Territorial Defense. He has war experience in the east of Ukraine and is on duty now. During the war became the father of a fantastic daughter Zlata.

We created this project to support brave warriors and patriots like Anton.


Medical Supply for Territorial Defense 

Personal protection Supply for Territorial Defense Technical Supply for Territorial Defence


Наш надійний друг у США

The war in Ukraine has affected everyone, and we have many friends who require help, so our goal is to report needs on time and provide the necessary. We don't only support the military but also have various civilian goals. All active and implemented projects are announced and reported in the BLOG section. 

Our audience is the whole world. We already have many friends and organizations supporting us and our projects worldwide. 

The site's primary goal is to tell our story, unite around supporting Ukraine and meet new friends worldwide.


2023 All right reserved